Be The Change That You Want To See In This World

Sara Jameel | February 06, 2018 | |

“Be the change that you want to see in this world” is a very famous motivational quote that was said by Mahatma Gandhi. What does this quote mean??? And have we successfully implied this in our own life???

Almost all of us has this tendency that we expect change in everything. But, we never take the initiative to bring those changes that “We” want. Whether the change is related to life, relationship, society, mindset or in “you”. We do nothing to make these changes.

We all expect that our life should change, but we don’t put efforts to do so. We expect that the mindset of people should change, but we don’t do things that are necessary to bring these changes. We expect that the society should change, but again we don’t take the initiative to change our society.

For bringing the changes in the world, you should be the first one to bring those changes. If you want a change, you should be willing to bring change, then you want to work for it. If you want to work for it, you will start putting efforts. And when you start putting efforts, you will get the results in the form of “Change”.
Do it even if you are alone, because even one makes a difference. If even one percent of change comes because of your effort, it's an accomplishment because even that one percent of change matters a lot. And this the beginning  of the change that you wanted to see in the world.

If you want your children to be disciplined, then you have to be disciplined as well. So that you can encourage your children to inculcate it. If you want  your employee to be punctual and disciplined, even then you have to inculcate this habit in yourself first. If you want women to fight for the crime against them, then you should be the first one to start with it, so that other women can learn from you.

So, be the change you want to see in this world because even one can make a difference
Thank You For Reading.
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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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