Prayer : The Best Way To Bring Positivity In Your Life

Sara Jameel | February 05, 2018 |

There are other ways to other to bring positivity in your life that you can read here : 13 Different Ways To Bring Positivity In Your Life.
Prayer is the best solution to all your problems… Prayer is the best medicine… Prayer is the best pain killer… Prayer is the best meditation… Prayer is the best way to find peace… Prayer is the best way to relax your mind… Prayer is the best wireless connection that, connect us with god… Prayer is powerful… And Prayer is the best way to bring positivity in your life.

Prayer is the best way to bring positivity in your life, thoughts and your house as well. We all have a really strong faith in God. We all know that god is everywhere… He knows every single thing about every one of us, even better and more than us… and he always help us.

But many of don’t thank him for whatever he gave us. We don’t remember God when we are happy. But we all never forget to remember him in our tough times. My mother says that “God feels very happy when we ask for his help only in our tough times. And He also helps us.” So don’t forget to thank god in your best time as well.

I pray every day and every single day… prayer is part of my life… And every time I pray with all my heart and soul I feel so relaxed… I can feel the positive vibes around me… I can feel the peace… And my mind also gets filled with positive thoughts…
Even you can feel the same thing around you if you pray on the daily basis. Try this thing that I usually do while praying, “First you need to stop thinking… Just make your mind calm and relaxed free from any single thought… Just don’t bring any thoughts in your mind… Then start reciting your prayer… And just concentrate on the recitation of the prayer… Concentrate and feel every word that you are saying during your prayer… And keep on praying until you complete.”

After you have completed I am sure you will feel a lot of positive vibes, peace and relaxation. You will feel better… You will feel that someone has taken off all the burden from your mind… Your mind is stress free and relaxed. And you will start getting better and positive thought… As when your mind is at peace you attract positive thought.

There are other ways to other to bring positivity in your life but there is no other simpler, better and powerful way to bring positivity in your life, thought and home. So stay positive and don’t forget remember god in every phase of your life.

Thank You For Reading.
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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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