Fearless : It’s About Mastering your fear

Sara Jameel | March 27, 2018 | ||

Fear is something that we all have within us. Fear of height.... Fear of speed.... Fear of animals... Fear of darkness... But the most common fear we all have is "The Fear Of Failing". This is most dangerous fear of all.

When we start believing that we will lose everything if we take risk... Then we are actually ceasing ourselves from making progress. Fear is something that stops us from achieving great things. Fear hold us back from trying new things and taking a risk.

But what is the genuine meaning of being fearless.... Now you might be thinking it means being free from fear. Where you are not afraid of anything. You are strong enough and you say I an not afraid of challenges. Well you are partially correct.

You will get my point just like Jack did in this short story...!!!

"Jack was running, while a black shadow was chasing him. He was running and suddenly he fell down in a pit and there was no way out and he was trapped. And suddenly he woke up from this nightmare. This was not the first time when he had this nightmare. He decided to share this with his father, who was an experienced 62 years old man. Jack narrated his dream to his father. Jack's father said that ' If you want to get rid of your nightmares, learn to overcome and face your fear'. Jack said ' I didn't get you'. Father interpreted jack's dream and said 'The shadow that is chasing you is your fear, and you are running away from your fear. And when you fall in the pit it means that you are stopped from following your passion or something you love. And at last you are trapped because of your fear and you don't make progress. So my son get rid of your fear by facing it.' ..."

True meaning of being fearless is when you know that there are chances of loosing, but you still want to give it a try. You know that the challenge is difficult, but you are not afraid of facing it. Being fearless is mastering your fear. It is rightly said that “Head Full Of Fears Has No Space For Dreams”. The clouds of fear should be evacuated from your mind, so that you can have a beautiful dream.

When you learn to overcome and face your fear then it is the true definition of being fearless. So do things that fears you and limits you from moving forward. Be strong enough to face very challenges in your life. The day you will conquer your fear, from that very day you will be unstoppable.

Thank You For Reading.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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