J.K. Rowling : “Anything Is Possible. If You Have Got Enough Nerve.”

Sara Jameel | March 23, 2018 | ||

This is what Rowling believes that we all have power within us to make anything possible. All we need to is to believe in our self and our work.

J. K. Rowling is a British Novelist, Screenwriter and producer. She is best known for Her Harry Potter Book Series. The books has won numerous awards, has been translated in 73 languages, sold more than $400 Millions and has set new records in the history of book series. Harry Potter book series was also the basis for the series of film. Harry Potter series became the best-selling book series in history.

But this didn’t happened overnight or within 2-3 days. This was the result of her years of struggle and hard work. The amount of effort she had to put to be the person she is today can’t be measured. Her life was not the same 22 years back. She failed a no of times, but she was strong enough to face the difficulties.

All this started when she was just nine. She was fond of writing fantasy stories that she frequently used to read to her younger sister. In 1990 when she was on a train trip from Manchester to London, the image of a boy named Harry Potter who was attending a wizardry school formed in her mind. Soon after getting the idea she started working on her first book.

But the unfortunate death of her mother left both Rowling and her novel heavily affected. In the grief of her mother’s death she was not able work on her book. After the incidence she was diagnosed with clinical depression. She had really hard time.

In 1992 she got married, and in 1993 she was a mother of a baby girl. But unfortunately her marriage didn’t worked and she finally decided to get separated from her husband. But this was not the end, it was just the beginning of her hardships. She was jobless, all she had was an unfinished book and a beautiful daughter she has to raise as a single mother.

She moved to Edinburgh, Scotland along with her daughter. She saw herself as a failure. But she always believed that her failure was liberating and this always motivated her to write more instead of giving up. She worked on her book in the cafes while her daughter was asleep. Finally she managed to complete three chapters of what would become her first book “Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Of Stone”. Soon after completing it she sent the manuscripts off to the publishers.

Again her struggle didn’t come to end.  She submitted her book to a dozen of publisher and all the publisher rejected the book from publishing. But soon a Editor named Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury publishing house agreed to publish her book because of his 8 years daughter who really liked the book. But Barry also suggested her to get a job for her, as she can’t make much money in children’s book.

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But Rowling with strong determination, who believed herself, proved everyone wrong. After five months her books won its first award Nestlé Smarties Book Prize. Soon it won two more awards named British Book Award for Children's Book of the Year, and the Children's Book Award. In 1998 Scholastic Inc. won the publishing rights in an auction.

Facing numerous failures and hardship in her life but she never stopped because her only motive was to make her dream come true and to give a better life to her daughter. Despite of her failures Rowling describe her failure as “Sometimes we fall down because there is something down there we are supposed to find.”

Despite of the harsh circumstances her passion for writing never died, rather it increased more. Her failure, hard times, rejection and setbacks couldn’t stop her to make it happen. If you have a dream and passion for something don’t stop just because of the fear of failing. Don’t give up because of the tough times you are facing, just be strong enough to face it. Maybe giving it a try can result in record breaking achievements. 

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