Invest Hard Work Today... And Get The Returns Of Success...

Sara Jameel | March 30, 2018 | ||

We all know that success is not an over night process. You don't achieve success overnight. It's the result of years of hard work. it's not about following the daily routine of our life and then getting on the bed exhausted at night. Hard work is something beyond that. It's about doing something extra then going to your job, coming back, keeping your apartment and yourself up to date.

When you put some extra effort and do something extra to get close to your goals. When you give preference to your goals over your needs. But people think that why to work hard, when we have shortcuts ? Well great things always takes time, is the answer. Always remember that "There is no alternative of hard work". Sometimes taking shortcuts can be dangerous. So always choose the right path to reach your destination even though it is long, because it is safer then shortcuts.

Success is the blend of hard work, dedication, determination, discipline and failure. When we see a person succeeding, we often see the success but we never see the immense hard work that person has put to achieve his//her goals. I remembered when one of my cousin topped in her 12th grade.

Off course she was intelligent. When she topped in her 12th grades and cleared the medical entrance exam in her city. People said "Oh!!! offcourse she can after all she is so intelligent, she doesn't need to make those extra effort that we are making".

When she heard that she got upset. She said "People can only see my success. But they never see how much hard work, effort, dedication and time I have put to reach my goals. I studied hard day and night. I have put that extra amount of hard work after my school and coaching classes. I have sacrificed my sleep to do the best I can. It's not only my intelligence it's my years of hard work that brought me here."

Hard word does matter, no matter how much talented or intelligent you are. Without hard work you can't achieve what you want. Remember it is important to invest hard work in your goals, and you you will get returns in the form of immense success.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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