13 Simple Ways To Deal With Negative Thoughts

Sara Jameel | April 09, 2018 | |||

We all get a lot of thoughts in our mind when we spend some time alone. We spend our free time with our mind, getting a lot of thoughts. But most common thought that we get are the "Negative Thoughts". Thoughts full of worries for future, flashbacks of our difficult times in past, underestimating our abilities and only bad things will happen to you.

The clouds of negativity surrounds our mind and we can hardly see the bright side of our life, things and relationship. Negative thoughts not only affect our physical and mental health, but it also affect your self confidence, stops us from focusing on important things, prevent us from thinking clearly and productively.

Dealing with negative thoughts and shifting your focus on positive thinking is not easy but "Yes It Is Possible!!!". Here is how you can manage and deal with your negative or unwanted thoughts with these simple tips :

1. Get involved in some constructive work : Involve yourself in some constructive activity to divert your mind from getting negative thoughts. Idle mind brings a lot of negativity in your thoughts so get involved in some activities such as reading, spend time with your friends and family, pursue your hobbies etc. Instead of spending time with unwanted thoughts spend time in positive activities.

2. Stop doubting your abilities : Stop doubting yourself and your abilities. When you doubt yourself you get negative feelings about you. For example if you fail at something, instead of saying "I will nail it the next time when I do it." you say "I will never do this again, it is not my cup of tea." Start believing in yourself, doing this you will feel more confident about yourself and you will stop bringing negative thoughts in your mind.

3. Pray On The Daily Basis : As I said in my previous posts as well that Prayer is the solution to all your problems. Prayer brings positivity around you, motivates you, prevents stress and depression. Prayer make you feel good from inside, and when you feel good from inside, it reflects in your thoughts as well. Prayer brings a lot of positivity, when you close your eyes and remember god, and when you open your eyes all you can feel is positivity. 

4. Be Realist : Be a realist and accept your problems or any particular situation in the way they are. A realist always accepts his/her problem in the way they are and try to find solutions to their problems instead of worrying about what will happen. Your worries will only lead you towards negative thoughts, but as soon as you learn to accept your situation the way they are you will not find difficulties in your situation. No worries means only positive attitude.

5. Meditate : Meditation leads to relaxation. It take your focus away from negative thoughts and helps you to focus only on one thing and that is your breathing. The best way to meditate is "Just imagine that you can see the flame of a candle and then try to concentrate on the flame. Forget about everything and focus on the flame. Breath in and breath out slowly." And when you open your eyes after 15 mins. you will feel relaxed and your focus will be removed from your problems and now you can concentrate on your present.

6. Positive Affirmation : Say some positive affirmation to yourself such as "If i failed today doesn't mean I will fail every time." or "Though I have scored a little less marks in my test but I will score better in my next test." Saying positive affirmation will motivate you for doing better and it will help you to refrain negative thought such as "I can't do this" or "I am just a mediocre".

7. Find Something Good In Every Situation : Try to find something good in every situation even if the situation is problematic. If you keep on pointing mistakes or flaws in yourself or in someone else or in any particular situation you will never be able to bring yourself out from your negative thoughts. Instead it will get even stronger. So look for positive and good things in any situation.

8. Stop Judging : Stop judging yourself, someone else or any particular situation negatively. We all judge people, situation and sometimes our self negatively. We don't believe in our potential and hence we are unable to find solutions to our problems. Just stop for a while and think that "Why are you doing this?" or "Will negative judgement help you?". If you can't stop judging making positive judgement about people, yourself or situation. 

9. Stop Comparing : Comparison leads you nowhere. Constant comparison leads to dissatisfaction, demotivation and negativity. Stop comparing your life  with someone else ideal life as no one owns a perfect life. Instead of comparing learn to be satisfied with what you have.

10. Practice Gratitude : Practice gratitude, be thankful for what you have. There are a lot of unfortunate people who dream to own your life or a life like you. Being thankful will never lead you to comparison, rather it will lead you to a satisfied life. So instead of complaining and thinking that your life is bad, be thankful for your life and what you have in your life. Practising gratitude will help you to free yourself from the unnecessary thankless thoughts.

11. Help Someone : Be kind is what we taught through out our life. Just think why you help someone in problem? Because you understand there situation, you feel what they are going through. And when you understand there situation you will find that your problem is nothing infront of them. Helping someone in problem or an unfortunate will give you the feeling of pleasure. Helping someone will help you to let go all the negative thoughts you have about yourself, any particular people or situation.

12. Surround Yourself With Positive People : Always surround yourself with positive people. Some people always talk negative, even if you do something worth remembering they will point out flaws in your achievements, so try to avoid the company of such people. Positive people is always going to appreciate you even your small achievements. When you will get appreciated you will start getting positive thoughts about what you can do.

13. Read Positive Quotes : Read more and more positive quotes. Positive quotes will drain out all the negative thoughts from your mind. You will realize that all the negative thoughts you had were pointless and you getting nothing out of it. Reading positive quotes will not encourage you to think positive but it will also motivate you.

Practice these tips in your life and bring positivity in your thoughts. And show the exit door to negative thoughts. Be Positive And Think Positive!!!

Thank You For Reading

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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