My Cloths Doesn't Define Me!!!

Sara Jameel | March 05, 2018 | |

People are often judged on the basis of their cloths as people get the very first impression of yours by just looking at your clothes. It is very true that when we meet someone for the very first time, and we start creating an image of that person. We don't even take a second and start creating an image that what kind of a person he or she might be.

Now we start judging that person, whether the person is shy and introvert or fun loving and bubbly kind of a person. So we all do so as our cloths says a lot about us. Like if we see someone wearing really colourful and bright color clothes we often think that he/she is full of life, not afraid of living their life to the fullest, they enjoy every moment, they are bubbly, fun loving, etc.

Whereas, on the other hand, when we see someone in very dull and boring color cloths we create an image that the person might be very boring, very shy, introvert, not so fun loving, very reserved, afraid of trying new things etc. We even start analyzing the qualification and income of that person.

But let me tell you that “Your Cloths Says a lot About Someone, But It Doesn’t Say Everything About Someone”.

According to me “My clothes doesn’t define me, my cloths doesn’t say that what kind of a person I am”. And actually it’s true that “It’s not your Cloths that defines you. It’s your thinking, how you think(for any situation), what you think for others, the way you speak, what you speak, how you speak and how you treat others, is what defines you as a person”.

So judging someone on the basis of their cloths would be wrong, as you can know someone only when you talk to them. The image that you might have created about someone can be completely different. Or all your guess about that person can be completely reverse of what you thought.

Your cloths give the first impression of yours, but your behaviour and thinking leaves a long lasting impact  on someone. Stop judging, analyzing, grading, and creating an image or impression of someone just on the basis of their clothes because cloth says a lot, but not everything.

Thank You For Reading.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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