Women : Stronger Than Ever…

Sara Jameel | March 08, 2018 |
We are never tired of playing so many roles in our life

                                   I Am A Women… What’s Your Superpower???

Before I start, I would like to share a few lines from a beautiful poem “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelous an American Poet.. So here it goes…

You May Shoot Me With Your Words,
You May Cut Me With Your Eyes,
You May Kill Me With Your Hatefulness,
But Still, Like Air, I Will Rise……

That’s the qualities that you will see in a woman. No matter how hard and painful our life is but we will always rise up each time after we fall… And we raise much stronger than ever. No matter what we have been through in our entire life, but we always manage to gather our strength to move on.

I am a proud woman… We women have done something really great, that’s why we get such a special day called “Women’s Day”. And off course we deserve it because “Women” are the most valuable, expensive and special god’s gift to all the men out there. Women comes into a man’s life as a Mother, Daughter, Sister and Wife. She is not only women she is also a great source of strength, support, joy and positivity for her family.

We have a soft heart, but we are strong at the same time. Today a woman wants to be independent as being an independent woman gives the feeling of security, satisfaction and being strong. And that’s what women are doing today-they are becoming independent.

A survey says that in 1950 only 35% women participated in the labour force, but in 2013 this percentage increased up to 57.2%, according to the data from Bureau Of Labour Statistics . Today’s women want to be financially independent, we don’t want to depend on others for our needs.
Source : Fortune

Today’s women are not only financially independent, but they are also doing well in various fields like sports, acting, dancing, singing, business, corporate world, Air force, Army and many more.

The want of doing something great in our life gave us such great personalities such as sportswomen like Ashley Martin (American Football Player), Serena Williams (Tennis Player), P.V.Sindhu (Indian Badminton Player), Mary Com (Indian Boxer)… Actresses like Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence, Piryanka Chopra… Business Womens like Mary Barra (Chairman and CEO, General Motors), Indra Nooyi (Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo), Sheryl Sandberg (COO, Facebook)…

We believe in our self, we love ourself, we don’t doubt our self, we believe in progressing, we believe in moving forward, we wanna be strong, we believe in living our dreams, we believe in chasing our dream… But we don’t believe that we can’t do it, we don’t wanna be weak and we don’t wanna stop.    
We not only make sacrifices for our family, but we also have the potential to support our family. We don’t expect much in return, all we want is your love, support and respect. You don’t need to respect a women only on women’s day, respect her 365 days because you don’t need any special day to respect someone.  

“Happy Women’s Day” to all the wonderful, happening, strong and lovely women out there. Stop doubting yourself and start loving yourself.

Thank You For Reading.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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