Your Dream... Is Your Responsibility...!!!

Sara Jameel | March 19, 2018 | |||

       "If You Take Responsibility Of Yourself You Will Develop A Hunger To Accomplish It."  - Les Brown

Remember, when we where young when we dreamed to be the most popular and successful person. We had strong belief in our abilities and capabilities and we had a thought that we can achieve whatever we want. And everything seems to be really easy and this use to encourage us to dream even bigger. Our self believes and positive attitude toward our dream always encouraged us to pursue our dreams and goals.

And when the time comes, everything starts looking difficult and nearly impossible. We start having the feeling that it’s not working like the way I thought. And by this time all the positive attitude and thoughts we use to have, are all gone. We become lazy and we don’t work for our dreams. People struggle and loose the vision, purpose, and direction of their dreams. And then we realize that we have lost our focus and our dreams become indistinct.

We also start expecting support from our parents or family. We expect that they are going to help us to turn our dreams into reality.

It’s your dream and it is purely and only your responsibility to make it happen. Take charge of your dreams now. It’s your responsibility to turn your dreams into reality and no one else is going to do it for you. “My father, mother brother or sister is not responsible for my dreams”. No one is going to work for you. We must realize that if can dare to dream big then we should be strong enough to take the full responsibility for our dreams.

Dream to chase it, set goals to be achieved, make plans to pursue it, work hard to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! No one is going to work hard for your dreams, like the way you are going to work hard for it. No one else is going to put the same amount of effort for your dreams, the way you are going to put. And most importantly no one is going to value your dreams, like the way you are going to value it.

So stop expecting that others are going to work for you. You have a very limited time so get up and start working for your dreams to make it happen because it’s no one else except for you who can do this. The steering of your dreams is in your hands, and it will go in the direction where you want to take it. Don’t let someone  

Thank You For Reading.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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