The people would say something... Their job itself is to say....

Sara Jameel | March 21, 2018 | ||
People will always say something or other... You just don't stop...

People always have something or the other to say… Whatever you do good or bad they have to say something, but it should not affect you or your goals. When we want to do something different a thought that always come in our mind is “What people will say… What people will think…?” The best answer to this thought is a saying (actually it’s a song) in Hindi “Kuch toh log kahenge… Logon ka kaam hai kehna…” which means that people will say something or the other… Their job itself to say...

Whatever people say just let them say… And just keep moving on and on towards your destination… I would like to share an interesting story with you…

Once a man was travelling with his wife, along with his horse. After walking to some distance the man got tired and so he decided to continue rest of his journey riding on his horse. He started his journey again riding on the horse… And people started saying that ‘Look at this man how can he ride the horse, while his wife is walking.’ He felt really bad. He asked his wife to ride the horse, while he started walking. Again people started saying ‘What kind of a wife she is, how can she ride on the horse while her husband is walking.’ Listening this they both started riding the horse. After covering some distance ‘People started taunting that how the two of them can ride the horse together, they don’t feel pity for the poor animal.’ So they both came down from the horse and started walking with their horse. Now can you guess what people said after seeing this “Now they started saying how foolish the two of them are, they have a horse with them and still they are walking…”       

The moral of the story is very clear no matter what you do, good or bad, people always have something to say. Even if they know nothing, they still have to talk about it. So follow your guts feeling and listen to your heart. Do things that you think is right for you. And most importantly don’t stop or get affected to what people say, just keep moving in the right direction of progress, success and goals.

Don’t stop if you are trying to do something different. People will laugh at you they will say certain things, but don’t let your determination towards your work get affected. Ignore everything and move on and on.

The people would say something; their job itself is to say various things. And your job is to keep on moving towards your destination without bothering what people say.” So stop bothering about what people say and do something worth remembering and make a difference.

Thank You For Reading.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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