9 Good Reasons Why You Should Stop Comparing Your Life With Others

Sara Jameel | January 30, 2018 | ||

"Work On Yourself To Be A Better Person."
As I said in my past posts Don't Look At Others Life : No One Owns A Perfect One that why you should not compare your life with others. So, here I am with the same, I hope you learn something new and you will also imply it into your life. 😄😄😄

Almost all of us have a tendency to compare their life with others sooner or later in our life. Just Wait!!! And think for a while. Why are you doing so??? Is It Benefiting you??? Are you getting something from this comparison??? I am sure the answer is “no”. 

It brings nothing but only loads of tension, stress and depression in your life. You don't realize that comparing your life with others is only affecting your life and that too negatively. We all try so hard to bring positivity in your life and work so hard to make our life better. But we ruin everything by comparing your life with others. The comparison makes your life dull, you lose positivity and joy from your life and it leaves you demotivated.

There are a lot of valid reasons that why you should not compare your life with others. Let's discuss them one by one:

1. Wrong Comparable Basis
When we compare our life, we actually make the comparison on the wrong basis. We often compare our life with our worst situation and their best situation. Yes!!! We often make the mistake of comparing our worst thing with their best thing. But we never compare our best thing with their worst thing. So, the basis of comparison is wrong then, it is worthless to compare it with others.

2. It Distracts You
The comparison only distracts you from your goal. Instead of working hard to have a better life we start comparing it with someone else. Your mind is diverted from your goals. We all know that to be successful, we all need to be focused on our goal so that we can give our 100% to it. So in order to achieve what you want to be, first you have to stop comparing.

3. It's A Waste of Time
Another reason for this is that it is a complete waste of time. We all know that time never waits for someone and it is precious too. Then Why to waste your on unproductive thing such as a comparison. Instead, put your time and effort in some productive work so that at least you can get something out of it.

4. Never Ending
The process of comparison is never ending. If first you compare your clothes, then your shoes, then your salary, then your car, then your house, then your looks, your body shape, then your…… In short you continue comparing everything you have one after another. And in this never ending process, you reach nowhere, except for keeping on comparing. So drop the idea because your comparison is reaching nowhere.

5. You Are Always Unsatisfied
Comparison never lets you to be satisfied with what you have or where have you reached your life. And due to this unsatisfaction you get lost somewhere. You are not you, and maybe the never ending want can lead to a big trouble. And at the end you are not able to enjoy your life to the fullest (that’s what you are supposed to do).

6. It Doesn’t Benefit You
The comparison doesn’t benefit you in any way. It rather harms you and your life. Just imagine comparing your life with others will not make your life better. Or it will not make you successful until you stop comparing and start working hard. So the comparison is not going to benefit you in any way.

7.  Get Demotivated
We all know that motivation keeps you going in the direction of success. A successful person always keeps on motivating him/her self until they achieve success in their work. And the comparison is the one thing that demotivates you and brings the feeling that you cannot achieve anything in your life or you are good for nothing. And this demotivation takes you far away from success. So again the choice is yours to move toward success or far away from it.

8.  Thief Of Joy
The major reason why you should not compare is that comparison robs joy from your life. When you see the bright side of someone’s life (without actually knowing the dark side) it makes you sad. And you see the bad side in your life and good side of others life, as I said above makes you unsatisfied. And eventually you lose your joy that is the most important and off course the brighter side of “Your Life".  

9.The Feeling Of Jealousy
Last but not the least comparison generates the feeling of Jealousy in you. And developing a feeling of jealousy in you is not a healthy sign. As it is a sign of negativity in you and your life. And Negativity will lead you nowhere and eventually you will end up nowhere.
The comparison is good when you do it for analyzing yourself that where have you reached so far and how far you have to go. But comparison becomes worse when it starts affecting your life negatively. So The Decision is yours that your comparison should be good or bad.

Thank You For Reading.

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Hi there!!! I am Sara. Welcome To Be Positive... I Am A Proud And Passionate Female Blogger. Belongs To A family Full Of Doctors... But I Highly Believe That It Is Good To Be Different. Read More About Be Positive.

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